Complementary Therapies
The concept of “wellness” is more difficult to define than illness. The steps to take to achieve wellness are also less well-defined. Where to turn when medications and surgical interventions neither prevent illness nor improve how we feel when we are stressed, achy, run-down, or just want to feel relaxed and at ease in our bodies and minds? Whether you have a medical diagnosis or are relatively healthy and want to stay that way, the Ayre Clinic for Contemporary Medicine is fortunate enough to have drawn together a team of gifted and dedicated practitioners to act as guides as you explore what your body is capable of when it is supported physically, energetically, nutritionally, and emotionally.
Integrative Support for Chronic Conditions and General Health
You do not necessarily have to have a diagnosis of cancer to benefit from any of these supportive therapies. Call for an appointment with Dr. Hesselink or to speak with a nurse educator on how we might be able to help you with managing the following:
- Chronic healthcare conditions such as autoimmune conditions, viral induced chronic fatigue, Lyme, and hormonal imbalances
- Fatigue and lifestyle induced stress
- Travel-related fatigue and dehydration
- Shortening the severity and duration of symptoms related to colds and flu
- Hormonal imbalances
And of course feel free to click on the links below to learn more on your own about therapies that support whole body health!
Ortho-Bionomy® and Therapeutic Massage
Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission.