Insulin, chemotherapy, and the mechanisms of malignancy: the design and the demise of cancer

S.G. Ayre, M.D., D. P. Garcia Bellon, M.D., D. P. Garcia, Jr., M.D. Medical hypotheses 55.4 (2000): 330-334. Summary  The endogenous molecular biology of cancer cells involves autocrine and paracrine secretion of insulin and insulin-like growth-factors I and II,  which subserve energy production and growth stimulation, respectively, in these cells. These activities confer on cancer its malignant potential, working …

Insulin Potentiation Therapy: A Renaissance in Cancer Chemotherapy Presentation

Steven G. Ayre MD traveled the world to present his findings on the work of the Drs. Donato Perez Garcia. In May 2001, he presented to a group of physicians attending a conference hosted by the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) in Nashville TN. Audio excerpts with accompanying slides are below: Part …

The Physiology and Clinical Pharmacology of Insulin in its Application in Insulin Potentiation Therapy

Steven G. Ayre MD The hormone insulin is recognized as having actions that affect the transmembrane transport of different substances, particularly glucose, into numerous different kinds of cells. Insulin is a large polypeptide molecule with a molecular weight of 5808. It consists of an A chain and a B chain, connected together by two disulfide …

Neoadjuvant Low-Dose Chemotherapy With Insulin in Breast Carcinomas

Steven G. Ayre, Donato Perez Garcia y Bellon and Donato Perez Garcia, Jr. — European Journal of Cancer 1990; 26(11-12):1262-3 We have developed a neoadjuvant chemohormonal therapy for breast carcinomas without surgery or radiotherapy. Cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil are administered, with insulin as a biological response modifier to potentiate anticancer drug effects [1]. This regimen …

International Congress on Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy – Paris 1991

ABSTRACT Insulin may be used as a biological response modifier along with low-dose cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil (CMF) as neoadjuvant chemohormonal therapy for breast cancer.  Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) are autocrine and/or paracrine growth factors in human breast cancer cells (HBCC). We administer pharmacologic doses of insulin to manipulate these endogenous growth-promoting mechanisms, …

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Cancer is one condition for which the treatment is often considered worse than the disease. The rapid growth of alternative medicine in recent years has been driven by people’s desires for kinder and gentler treatments for this disease. Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) fulfills this need. Because Insulin Potentiation Therapy improves the targeting of chemotherapy to …