Chronology of Events in Development of IPT: 1989 – 2005

CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS IN THE SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION OF IPT AND THE TREATMENT OF BREAST CANCER October 1989: Poster presentation at the Forty-second Annual Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research, The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center entitled “Breast carcinoma treated by a regimen of low-dose chemotherapy and insulin: report of four cases and pharmacokinetic considerations”. …

Development of IPT

– A BRIEF HISTORY OF INSULIN POTENTIATION THERAPY – Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) was developed for the treatment of human disease by Donato Perez Garcia, Sr., M.D. (1896-1971) in 1932. A surgeon lieutenant in the Mexican military establishment, this man’s preliminary work with insulin involved an innovative course of self-treatment for an emaciating gastrointestinal problem he …

IPT: A New Concept in the Management of Chronic Degenerative Disease

S. G. Ayre, D. Perez Garcia y Bellon and D. Perez Garcia, Jr. Medical Hypotheses 20(2):199-210, 1986.   ABSTRACT In insulin potentiation therapy the hormone insulin is used as an adjunct in the medical management of the chronic degenerative diseases, including malignant neoplasia. In this, the recognized physiological action of insulin – that of increasing cell membrane permeability is taken …

Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)

What is IPT?

 IPT targets the powerful cell-killing effects of standard chemotherapy on cancer cells, and negates their destructive side effects on healthy tissues.
 Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is a new approach to treating cancer that involves no new drugs. The therapy uses insulin, and takes advantage of the powerful, cell-killing effects of ordinary chemotherapy …

Naturopathic Medicine and Autoimmune Disease Treatment

According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), a division of the National Institutes of Health, autoimmune diseases affect over 23 million Americans with some statistics estimating more than 50 million per the NDNR. There are at least 80 different auto-immune related diseases recognized with many not even identified yet. The widespread implications …

Elisa Goodman’s Cancer Hacks: A Holistic Guide to Overcoming Your Fears and Healing Cancer.

“May you understand that everyone in your shoes has at one point felt alone, scared, and powerless. But you may learn that you are not alone; you can face your fears and regain your power. That is what these hacks are – ways to put you back in the driver’s seat.” Goodman’s guide opens in …

We’re Bigger Than Pink: Contextualizing Breast Cancer Awareness

Come October in Chicago, the spires of the Sears Tower glow pink against the night skyline. NFL players sport shocking pink chin straps and shoe covers. And since 1991, the color pink in a multitude of forms has been used to signify awareness that an estimated 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be …

Advanced CranioSacral-Biodynamic and Visceral Manipulation

Advanced CranioSacral-Biodynamic therapy and visceral manipulation are derived from osteopathy. With gentle and noninvasive touch, the rhythms of your central nervous system and other subtle fluid forces that have formed you in utero can be listened to so they might realign with the pattern of health. These techniques have been shown to be effective for: asthma …

About Dr. Ayre

Steven G. Ayre MD (January 19, 1945 – July 12, 2013) Dr. Ayre devoted his medical career to improving his personal practice of medicine and improving the experience of people receiving medical treatment for cancer. His life and work are a continued inspiration for the work we do at the Ayre Clinic for Contemporary Medicine. His …