Paige and Rodney Stamp’s “90 Days to Live: Beating Cancer When Modern Medicine Offers No Hope”

This poignant memoir of Rodney Stamp’s emotional cancer journey details the often uncommon choice to forego traditional medicine’s solution to cancer and venture down an uncharted path when one has been issued the death sentence of “only 90 days to live.”

When Stamp was initially diagnosed with Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, he was emphatically told by his oncologist that chemo was his only option and if he did not go that route, he would likely die within months. “One thing’s for sure. If you don’t take the treatment, you will die. Chemo and radiation aren’t pleasant treatments, but the alternative is death. If you take treatment, you can expect to live another five to ten years. However, if you don’t start treatment, with your symptoms, I’d say you have less than ninety days to live, but that’s only a guess.” There’s an equation for life expectancy? ” Even after he heard this from a medical professional, Stamp considered chemo a sort of surrender as it offered no cure and a sub par quality of life. He states that he certainly kept an open mind but after researching and reading the informational pamphlets from his oncologist, it only solidified his belief that chemo was not the path for him.

Stamp clarifies that he really liked his oncologist but he was shackled to a predetermined set of procedures. ” They can cut it out, burn it out, or poison it with high-priced pharmaceutical drugs. They are safely within the rigid confines of the AMA. To deviate is professional suicide. ” Stamp forges forward without his oncologist’s support but with his wife Paige and their two daughters on board to pursue a different path. So begins Stamp’s cancer journey as he and Paige delve into the world of alternative treatments. Rodney and Paige soon discover that the drug companies have a foothold in cancer treatment, decades in the making. Unfortunately, their part is not one of altruism, “The drug companies openly, actively, and without shame sponsor ads in textbooks and in numerous other ways have infiltrated medical schools. And chemotherapy is a huge moneymaker for them.” Stamp realizes that the ideology of chemotherapy and radiation has little basis in sense – well – only sense for big pharma. “The thing I can’t wrap my wits around is why chemo would ever be the first line of therapy. It just didn’t make much sense to me to poison a system that is obviously full of poison already. It obliterates the immune system, making it hard for anything else to work. There’s no fallback.” But after exploring the reasons why chemo drugs were so popular, he learned that it all came back to being a big money maker for the drug companies.

Stamp discovered, as many alternative treatment seekers do, that the solution was relatively simple. So much of what he needed to do was dependent on his diet and lifestyle. Make those hard changes fastidiously, and he had a chance to live and possibly be cured. This discovery was made after a close friend brought him a copy of One Answer to Cancer by Dr. William D. Kelley and this would be a quintessential life changer for Stamp. “How many hard-working entrepreneurs gave any thought to the basics such as healthful food, clean, uncontaminated water, and adequate sleep? It just wasn’t the norm. The plan centered on a good diet. Fresh, raw foods, the addition of organ meats, like kidney, liver, and other ones I would have never considered ingesting. I was struck by a comment he made—that we eat too much dead food. And he warned that smoking, drinking, and any use of drugs were out of the question. “Fortunately, that wasn’t a problem for me. ”

Stamp’s light bulb went off after reading that ” the American Medical Association had little interest in curing disease. It was more profitable to let people get sick on the current food supply and bad habits that generate billions of dollars in revenue helping them. ” The idea, although sickening, is the unfortunate truth and armed with this knowledge Stamp knew modern traditional medicine offered him little hope. Although, Dr. Kelley’s recommendations seemed somewhat strange, both he and Paige pledged themselves to this rigorous program including the twice daily coffee enemas! Fascinating but true, ” The coffee enema may have been first used in modern Western nations as a pain reliever. As the story goes, during World War I, nurses kept coffee pots on the stove all day long. Battle surgeons and others drank it to stay awake while working horrendously long hours. Enema bags hung around, as some patients needed help moving their bowels. Pain medications were in short supply. Doctors were forced to save the pain drugs for surgical procedures, with little or none for follow-up after surgery. When surgical patients woke up from operations without the benefit of further morphine injections, they would scream in pain and agony from the surgery. They were also constipated from the anesthesia drugs.” Rodney and Paige both prescribed to the enemas knowing that in this day and age there was plenty of garbage they could both stand to get rid of and flush out their systems.

The next step was diet. “We bought a juicer and set up a schedule to visit the organic health-food store three times a week. From that moment on, we were determined to eat only organic produce. ” Additionally, Paige insisted they use only stainless-steel pans as aluminum leaches into the food, and Teflon’s just evil. “The big chemical companies are well aware of the links to cancer, but they still manufacture the stuff. It’s crazy.” There was little good to be gained from processed foods and sugar. The strict regimen was imposed on all members of the Stamp household in support of Rodney’s quest to survive.

Stamp also conferred with an alternative treatment doctor who had other insights to share, including enzymes and an infrared sauna.

Before the enzymes arrived…I did a liver-gallbladder flush and continued with my coffee enemas every morning and evening. Pamela also recommended that we build a near-infrared sauna, as a way to detoxify faster, and recommended me to an M.D. who specialized in near-infrared sauna treatment. You can’t see near-infrared, because the wavelengths are longer than visible light. This sauna used incandescent heat lamps, which we could pick up at a normal hardware store. Rather than using high heat to sweat out the toxins, infrared heats from the inside, through the skin. I liked the idea of a cooler sauna.

Check out the Ayre Clinic for Contemporary Medicine’s promo on infrared sauna sessions!

Stamp states, “My protocol was pretty routine. I’d get up at six in the morning most days and check my urine to make sure it wasn’t too acidic. If it was, I mixed a powder that balances pH levels in a glass of water and drank it. Then I’d have a cup of tea, switching between Chinese Green Tea, Essiac, and Pau de’ Arco each week. Next came the 12 enzymes, six probiotics, and then the Zinc, Manganese, Magnesium, and Chromium drops. I had various other supplements to down before I took the Metal Free drops and hopped in the sauna for thirty minutes.” Not only were enzymes important, but rest and good rest at that, at least eight hours in a cool, dark, quiet room.

Following this protocol, when Stamp visits his oncologist for testing annually, “My LDH count, a protein that indicates cancer when elevated, was decreasing drastically. For me, the best visible sign that I was getting better was watching the tumors shrink each month. I could see them expanding with the enzymes and then contracting on the off-cycle. With each cycle, they were getting smaller and smaller. We moved in at just about the one-year anniversary of that fateful doctor’s appointment, when Dr. A. told me I had cancer and would have only a few months to live, if I was lucky. ” Stamp was defying his oncologist’s predication with audacity! He continued to see his oncologist until the two year mark and began to share his success with others. Stamp set goals and attained them, but only because he adhered so closely to this rather “charlatan” routine, as his oncologist referred to it. He succeeded in not just surviving, but truly living and certainly past his initial 90 day death sentence.

We recommend reading Stamp’s tale and learning more about Rodney’s journey. His commitment and strength are an inspiration for all on their own cancer journey or supporting a loved one on their journey.

Elisa Goodman’s Cancer Hacks: A Holistic Guide to Overcoming Your Fears and Healing Cancer.

“May you understand that everyone in your shoes has at one point felt alone, scared, and powerless. But you may learn that you are not alone; you can face your fears and regain your power. That is what these hacks are – ways to put you back in the driver’s seat.” Goodman’s guide opens in the introduction with this encouraging message to readers. Goodman explores her cancer journey as it relates to her personal diagnosis in her 30s to her husband’s diagnosis more than a decade later. Goodman addresses common cancer myths and follows with her 10 cancer hacks. The book closes with guides, lists, and a 7 day cleanse description. Those battling cancer themselves or those supporting someone with a cancer diagnosis will find her enlightened introspection and knowledge an encouraging voice in a sea of doubt.

” I said no to chemotherapy and freezing my eggs. I said no to long, intensive radiation and agreed to doing a shorter regimen of localized radiation. I started therapy, yoga, and meditating. I started eating alkaline foods and juicing like crazy.” Goodman took a more alternative route and gained incredible knowledge in the process. Her husband’s battle with cancer 12 years later was met with more traditional therapy, intensive chemotherapy and radiation. His battle ended a year and half later with his passing. Goodman, even after such tribulation, states, “The greatest lesson I have ever learned is that you have to have faith in yourself, faith in your life, and faith that everything does work out.”

Goodman took what she had learned during both her own cancer battle and that of her husband’s to create 10 cancer hacks and address cancer myths. “When confusion strikes, fear sets in, and fear can lead us to cling to information, just for the simple fact that it is information.” From this confusion evolves the many myths regarding cancer that many still believe today.

Myth #1 What you put in your body doesn’t cause cancer. Here Goodman addresses an appropriate diet plan that is all about eating clean the 80/20 way. She hits on the many chemicals in our food and the destruction that is sugar. Myth #2 Cancer is a death sentence. Goodman counters that the cancer diagnosis is not what it once was and is both preventable and survivable. Myth #3 cancer is contagious. Simply stated, stop fearing you can get cancer from someone. Myth #4 One mistake can cause cancer. “Instead of heckling yourself for smoking so many cigarettes, ask yourself what you can do in your whole life to make yourself healthier.” Myth #5 Stress doesn’t cause cancer. “Our current culture is stressed and it is causing cancer to host a party in our bodies.”

Her 10 cancer hacks as follows:

  1. The standard American diet – “During the past few decades, we have seen a huge shift in the quality and production of what we are ingesting.” Here Goodman again addresses more closely the proper diet and what one can eat, to eat clean. Essentially, our bodies and minds cannot operate effectively and efficiently on “crap.” She delves deep into the fundamental rules for eating clean.
  2. An imbalanced gut – “Taking care of your gut is the most important thing you can do for your body. Your gut health directly affects your digestive system as well as your internal and external systems.” She offers way to keep that gut healthy. Pay attention to your gut!
  3. Water – we need to focus on what is in our water and how it is negatively affecting our health. Again, Goodman provides this guidance on how to ingest what is best.
  4. Parasites – yes, it is a frightening thought but many people are completely unaware of those pesky little guys that may be lurking in your body. Goodman shares some simple tricks to eliminating the likelihood of getting a parasite, but also what can be done if you have one.
  5. Dirty mouth – “You need to care for your body and its needs and that means the whole body and its needs.” Maintain excellent oral hygiene and say no to silver fillings. Poor oral health can be directly linked to disease.
  6. Toxic buildup – it is important to be continually detoxing to limit chemicals that can make a home in your organs and tissues.”
  7. Denial and the suppression of emotions – “Positive health comes from optimal physical and emotional and mental health.” Emotions can be directly linked to cancer so practice mindfulness and self awareness.
  8. Disconnection from self – “Our world is full of constant distractions. In this chaos it is easy to lose focus. We are disconnected from ourselves, which tends to be the root cause of many problems.”
  9. Lack of solid sleep – get enough sleep at night, go to bed at 10 pm and take a nap too!
  10. Build your cancer fighting environment – from finding the right doctor to finding emotional support, Goodman encourages you to build that network of support.

Each hack is a chapter full of guidance, lists, encouragement, little caveats on what you can do to be the healthiest, cancer-free you. Listen to your intuition and recognize that although a cancer diagnosis is scary, it does not mean a death sentence. You are in control of your health and your treatment.

The Evolution Angel: An Emergency Physician’s Lessons with Death and the Divine

Evolution Angel, Michael Abrams, MDReview courtesy Edgar Cayce Books. org:

I asked him, “Are you the angel of death? You must be to keep showing up at these times.” He paused and said, “Let’s just say you can think of me as an ‘evolution angel’.”

For years, emergency and trauma physician Michael Abrams saw his patients dying in every conceivable way. In time he began to wonder if there was anything he could do to help the souls of the dying make the harrowing transition into the next world. Extending himself to the dying in a silent communion akin to prayer, he made a life-changing discovery.

For anybody experiencing a sense of loss around death and dying, this book reconfigures our understanding around the process. From the learnings of one who has had much experience with death as an event, Dr. Abrams perspective offers comfort and hope.


Table of Contents

Introduction p. 1
Chapter One
First contact – The nature of angels – The myth of evil.
p. 11
Chapter Two
Aging and death – The Prime Directive and the rationale for transparency.
p. 25
Chapter Three
The angelic mindset – Constant Vigilance – Returning the energy.
p. 35
Chapter Four
Designing your life in advance – Why we aren’t all rich and famous – The problem with eternity – The problem with reincarnation – The parable of the Sower and the Tares.
p. 45
Chapter Five
Free will or Divine will: Who is in control? – How angels answer prayers – Great misfortunes: Inevitable or changeable? – Begging to live on Earth – Helping others with positive thoughtforms.
p. 63
Chapter Six
Sex, love and soul mates – The big picture – How angels find a soul mate – Why soul mates age and die.
p. 81
Chapter Seven
The anatomy of God – The true meaning of infinity – Enlightenment.
p. 95
Chapter Eight
Angels in training – The myth of angelic hierarchy – The wave-particle duality resolved – Te varieties of angels – How angels adjust the physical plane.
p. 111
Chapter Nine
The real Jesus – The mustard seed principle – The basis of Christ’s miracles: The Philosopher’s Stone revealed – The laughing Jesus – The many paths.
p. 123
Chapter Ten
The surprising truth about money – Overcoming money shame – Money as love – Consciously creating money.
p. 139
Chapter Eleven
How humanity lost the ability to converse with God – How anyone can hear the spirit and speak with angels – The most powerful meditation.

Cancer as a Turning Point

Cancer as a Turning Point - Laurence LeShan
Cancer as a Turning Point – Laurence LeShan

Revised in 1994, Cancer as a Turning Point by pyschotherapist Laurence LeShan is a guide that frames dealing with a diagnosis of cancer in a way that is not usually addressed by conventional oncology, and yet instructs on our most powerful tool we possess for healing: the human mind.

The book is just the start of a path towards inner healing work for people with a diagnosis of cancer, their families, and health care professionals. LeShan and his colleagues summarize their work:

Feelings and thoughts neither cause nor cure cancer, but they are integral aspects of the whole person. As you reshape the ecology of your total being with meaningful psychological and lifestyle changes, you can mobilize your own life force – whether dealing with a life-threatening illness, generally improving your health, or working toward a life of greater enthusiasm and zest.

Explore “mobilizing your life force” whether you or somebody you care about has received a diagnosis of cancer.

Click to visit LeShan's website and take advantage of the most powerful healing tool you possess - the heart's desire to live life fully
Click to visit LeShan’s website and take advantage of the most powerful healing tool you possess – your heart’s desire to live life fully
